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How to run OpenEMS on EcoNode(To be continued...) - Printable Version

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How to run OpenEMS on EcoNode(To be continued...) - LeoXu - 08-24-2024

o run OpenEMS on EcoNode, you can follow these steps:
1. Preparation
  • Hardware: Ensure that your EcoNode device is properly set up and meets the minimum hardware requirements for OpenEMS.
  • Operating System: Ensure that Ubuntu 16.04 or later is installed on the EcoNode, with the latest updates and security patches applied.
  • Network Connection: Make sure the EcoNode device has internet access to download the necessary packages and dependencies.
2. Install Java
OpenEMS is developed in Java, so you'll need to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install default-jre
3. Download and Install OpenEMS
  1. Clone the OpenEMS Project:
    • Use Git to clone the OpenEMS project to your local machine:
  2. bash

    git clone
  3. Navigate to the Project Directory:
    • Change to the OpenEMS project directory:
  4. bash

    cd openems
4. Configure OpenEMS
  1. Edit Configuration Files:
    • Edit the configuration files under the
    • folder, such as
    • , to configure OpenEMS according to your specific needs.
    • The configuration files typically include database connections, device communication interfaces, and other runtime parameters.
  2. Install Dependencies:
    • Make sure Maven is installed to handle the Java project's dependencies:
  3. bash

    sudo apt-get install maven
    • Use Maven to build the project and install all dependencies:
  4. bash

    mvn clean install
5. Run OpenEMS
  1. Start OpenEMS:
    • In the root directory of the project, run the following command to start OpenEMS:
  2. bash

    mvn exec:java -pl io.openems.edge.core
  3. Monitor Logs:
    • Watch the terminal output for log information to ensure that OpenEMS has started correctly and is operating as expected.
    • You can use the
    • command to view live logs:
  4. bash

    tail -f logs/openems.log
6. Verify Installation
  • Access the OpenEMS Interface:
    • Use a web browser to access the OpenEMS web interface, usually by entering the IP address of the EcoNode with a specific port.
    • Once logged in, check if the devices and data are displayed correctly to ensure that OpenEMS is running smoothly on the EcoNode.
7. Remote Management and Debugging
  • Enable Remote Management:
    • Configure the remote management feature through the EcoNode’s management interface to manage and debug OpenEMS from an external network.
8. Maintenance and Updates
  • Regularly check for and apply updates to OpenEMS and its configuration files to maintain system stability and adjust settings as needed.